Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Crack Megaupload dan Rapidshare

Megaupload Crack:

In this way, you can free up the megaupload slots and download whatever you want. Its easy! Just follow these steps:

1. Install this Firefox Extension: CODE http://www.megaupload.com/?d=N3RI1U4R
Mirror1: http://rapidshare.com/files/3313707/megaup...2.0-fx.xpi.html
Mirror2: http://depositfiles.com/files/373277
2. Restart Firefox.
3. Type the megaupload link in the address bar.
4. Dont press 'Enter' or click 'Go'. Instead go to Tools>Megaupload 2 and click on 'Enable'
5. Now click 'Go' and go to the megaupload download page.
6. WROOM!! All Download Slots vacant for you!!

Rapidshare.de Crack:

In this way, you can stop the rapidshare timer which the free users get in just a CLICK!! Just follow these steps:

1. Install this Firefox Extension: CODE http://www.megaupload.com/?d=40CL5HWR
Mirror 1: http://rapidshare.com/files/3313781/tix_now_-0.1-fx.xpi.html
Mirror 2: http://depositfiles.com/files/373278
2. Restart Firefox.
3. Go to the rapidshare link and click on 'Free' to initiate download process.
4. When the timer starts, click on the small 'T' button located on the bottom-left corner of your Firefox browser.
5. BOOM!!! The TIMER is set to 0!! Download now!!


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